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 tips for skate

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Mesaje : 70
Data de inscriere : 26/03/2010
Localizare : Constanta

tips for skate Empty
MessageSujet: tips for skate   tips for skate EmptyDim Mai 23, 2010 2:12 pm

ceva interesant ce am tot cautat si nu gaseam...un tabel cu marimile la placi
tips for skate DeckSizes
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Mesaje : 70
Data de inscriere : 26/03/2010
Localizare : Constanta

tips for skate Empty
MessageSujet: roti   tips for skate EmptyDim Mai 23, 2010 2:51 pm

ceva interesant...cum sa iti alegi rotile si cum se diferentiaza am mai tradus pentru ca majoritatea dintre voi stiti engleza si oricum riscam sa gresesc stau mai bine la franceza...
sper sa foloseasca informatiile..

tips for skate Wheels

Skateboard wheels come in a variety of colors, sizes and degrees of hardness. Skateboard wheels have two stats -

* Diameter, which means how tall the wheel is. This is measured in millimeters (mm) for skateboard wheels.
* Durometer, which means how hard the wheels is. Most skateboard wheels use what's called the "a-scale". You don't need to understand all the details of how the a-scale is measured, just that the higher the number, the harder the wheel. For example, you'll see the hardness of the wheels written "a95" for a an average street skateboarding wheel. Softer wheels can be all the way down to a70, or even lower.

For a quick and easy answer to what kind of wheels to get, most skaters will be happy with wheels from 52mm to 54mm, with a hardness of 99a. But, if you want to give it a little more thought, then first ask yourself what kind of skateboarding you think you'll be doing:

Transition / Vert

Larger skateboard wheels roll a lot faster, and when riding ramps this is what you want. Try 55-65mm size wheels (though many ramp skateboarders will use even larger wheels -- try something like a 60mm wheel first, as you learn), with a hardness of 95-100a. Some wheel makers, like Bones, have special formulas that don't list durometer, like the Street Park Formula.

Street / Technical

Skateboarders who like doing flip tricks often like smaller wheels, as they are lighter and closer to the ground, making some skateboarding tricks easier and faster. Try 50-55mm skateboard wheels, with a hardness of 97-101a. Some brands, like Bones, make special Street Tech Formula wheels that also work very well, but don't have a hardness rating.

Both / All Terrain

You'll want something in the middle, with slightly softer skateboard wheels. Try a wheel size 52-60mm, with 95-100a hardness. This should give you a balance between speed and weight.


Usually cruising wheels are much larger for speed (64-75mm) and much softer for riding over rough terrain (78-85a). Other wheels for cruising are available, such as huge dirt wheels with knobs, but these aren't recommended for skateboards (try longboards or dirtboards).
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tips for skate
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